Wednesday 14 August 2013

Starting Out

Hello fellow Moms (or Dads, grandparents etc), Girls Scouts and Leaders!

It's August and I am embarking on the next  trek (dare I say the dreaded "journey?") of mine and my daughter's Girl Scout adventure.

We only did one year of Daisy's because there was no troop when K was in Kindergarten.  Not wanting her to miss the awesome experience that is Girl Scouts, I just started my own troop!  Looking back, I definitely trampled some rules, not knowing what I didn't know, but I am glad because we were able to get each and every Petal in our year together.  As we get past the beginning of the year, I will go back and share some of the Daisy activities we did, but for now, we are on to Brownies and our dear beloved Brownie Elf!

image courtesy of Girl Scouts

I admit looking ahead at Brownies, I have been struggling.  While a lot of work, Daisy's really was easy.  Read the store, talk about it, do a craft or activity that supports it.  Easy peasy, lemon squeezy as my kids like to say.

Not so for Brownies.  I couldn't connect how the Journey books fit in with the Activity badge sets and the leader book.  I'd search and search and unlike Daisy's and it's sea of ideas out on the web, found little for  Brownies.

I am making leeway and thought it prudent to record my process for those facing the same challenge. In the coming days, I'll record the training I have taken this summer, the leader meeting we've had, how I set up a private website for the troop and my coming calendar in which I start to arrange our activities, trips and obtaining the badges.

Thank you for going through this Journey (ha ha, I couldn't resist the pun) with me!  Until next time...


Leader Mom in the making

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